Wednesday, July 5, 2017

MSF ship prevented from leaving harbour - proper documentation missing

La Repubblica

By Claudia Brunetto

4 July 2017

The "Vos Prudence" saved on 27th June 877 migrants. The harbour master says: "Normal control procedure"

Palermo - The MSF ship "Vos prudence" which on 27th June brought 877 migrants to the city left Palermo again.

The ship was prevented from leaving the port until today. It should have already sailed to reach the Canal of Sicily to continue its rescue mission, however the Port Authority during routine checks before departure found irregularities in the ship's documentation. One of the crew members could not provide complete documentation. "It's a procedure that is followed for any given ship - said the harbour master - this is just a bureaucratic measure related to documentation of chief engineer's log which was incomplete.

This decision however sparked immediate discussion and reaction of lawyer Fulvio Vassallo Paleologo who claimed:

"They blocked the MSF ship in Palermo - They begin to implement the Minniti plan. Now we will have lawyers ready for each landing and file immediately complaints of office abuse when necessary".
