Friday, May 22, 2020

Malta Government accuses NGOs of facilitating smugglers' business model

* Malta 10.04.20 - Malta Government: "NGOs operations in the Mediterranean facilitate directly or indirectly the business model of people smugglers!



#SAR #LibyanCoastguard #migrants #migrantcrisis #TogetherForRescue #Frontex #Seenotrettung #LibyscheKüstenwache #wirschickeneinschiff #SeaWatch #OpenArms #OceanViking #AlanKurdi #together4rescue #UNHCR

Libyan Coast Guard ship "Ras Jadar" rescues 277 migrants

* Libya SAR Op 09.04.20 - Libyan Coast Guard ship "Ras Jadar"  in 3 separate night operations rescued 277 migrants incl. 7 women and 2 children. All rescued were returned to Tripoli and received medical and humanitarian assistance. Upon initial delay and final confirmation that migrants did not travel outside of Libya the special #COVID19 Task Unit granted permission for disembarkation.


#SAR #LibyanCoastguard #migrants #migrantcrisis #TogetherForRescue #Frontex #Seenotrettung #LibyscheKüstenwache #wirschickeneinschiff #SeaWatch #OpenArms #OceanViking #AlanKurdi #together4rescue #UNHCR

Libyan Coast Guard ship "Zuwara" rescues 67 migrants

* Libya SAR Op 07.04.20 - Libyan Coast Guard ship "Zuwara" from Central Sector rescued 67 migrants from 1 boat. Migrants disembarked safely at Al Khums. Upon medical and humanitarian aid all rescued were released. Nationality of rescued: Sudan 57, South Sudan 7, Chad 2 and Gambia 1 (all male).


#SAR #LibyanCoastguard #migrants #migrantcrisis #TogetherForRescue #Frontex #Seenotrettung #LibyscheKüstenwache #wirschickeneinschiff #SeaWatch #OpenArms #OceanViking #AlanKurdi #together4rescue #UNHCR

German NGO false claims of a "rescue" - "Alan Kurdi" pre-arranged pick up of Bangladeshi migrants

NOT A RESCUE! Just another pre-arranged NGO pickup that almost ended in tragedy! This pickup was advertised on Bangladeshi human smugglers' Facebook for almost a week! 

(DE) KEINE RETTUNG sonder eine weitere vorab arrangierte NGO-Abholung die fast in einer Tragödie endete! Für diese Abholung wurde bereits eine Woche lang beworben auf bangladeschischen Menschenschmuggler Facebook!  

[EXAMPLE] NGOs IN CAHOOTS WITH SMUGGLERS & HUMAN TRAFFICKING MILITIAS IN LIBYA since 2016! Even the German TV gets an exclusive insider access to human smuggling operations in Zuwara!

[BEISPIEL] NGOs STECKEN UNTER EINER DECKE MIT SCHMUGGLERN UND MENSCHENHANDELSMILIZEN IN LIBYEN seit 2016! Sogar das deutsche Fernsehen erhält einen exklusiven Insider-Zugang zu Menschenschmuggeloperationen in Zwara! 


* German NGO "Sea-Eye" collusion with Libyan human smugglers and trafficking militias (10.06.2017)



#SAR #LibyanCoastguard #migrants #migrantcrisis #TogetherForRescue #Frontex #Seenotrettung #LibyscheKüstenwache #wirschickeneinschiff #SeaWatch #OpenArms #OceanViking #AlanKurdi #together4rescue #UNHCR

Disinfection of Coastal Security headquarters in Tajoura

* Libya 04.04.20 - Youth volunteers with assistance of Fire Department carried out disinfection tasks of all facilities at the headquarters of General Administration of Coastal Security in Tajoura. #COVID19


#SAR #LibyanCoastguard #migrants #migrantcrisis #TogetherForRescue #Frontex #Seenotrettung #LibyscheKüstenwache #wirschickeneinschiff #SeaWatch #OpenArms #OceanViking #AlanKurdi #together4rescue #UNHCR

Suq al Khamis DCIM administration orders disinfection of all facilities

* Libya 04/05.04.20 - DCIM in cooperation with IOM and Kafa'a Development Foundation initiated a campaign of disinfection and cleaning of facilities at Suq al Khamis Immigration Detention Center in Al-Khums. Also an awareness campaign has been launched to prevent the risk of contracting #COVID19 conducted by Efficiency Foundation and WHO Health Department. Migrants in addition received cleaning products supplied by IOM staff.



#SAR #LibyanCoastguard #migrants #migrantcrisis #TogetherForRescue #Frontex #Seenotrettung #LibyscheKüstenwache #wirschickeneinschiff #SeaWatch #OpenArms #OceanViking #AlanKurdi #together4rescue #UNHCR

IOM Libya - Maritime Update 31.03.2020

* Libya 31.03.20 - So far in 2020 Libyan Coast Guard rescued 2,677 migrants at sea. (UPDATE):


#SAR #LibyanCoastguard #migrants #migrantcrisis #TogetherForRescue #Frontex #Seenotrettung #LibyscheKüstenwache #wirschickeneinschiff #SeaWatch #OpenArms #OceanViking #AlanKurdi #together4rescue #UNHCR