Sunday, August 27, 2017

German NGO collusion with Libyan human traffickers

10.06.2017 - The crew of German NGO "Sea Eye e.V." during a direct contact and transfer of migrants from the hands of traffickers.

Note: the migrants are wearing life jackets and are in seaworthy vessel with engine still in place. The traffickers' boat is in immediate proximity with the German NGO "rescue crew" commencing an illegal transfer.  Upon transfer completion the boat is subsequently towed back to shore to be reused for the next "human cargo" delivery. The markings on the side "SAR 23/05" (May 23rd) indicate that this particular boat was already used in a "SAR Op".

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Source: "Seefuchs" crew member

Abhorrent deception - Spanish NGO bears full responsibility for senseless migrant' deaths at sea


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The Spanish NGO Proactiva Open Arms claims of "a rescue that came too late" could not be further from the truth. 

The independent & multi-source tracking of the NGO "Open Arms" vessel movement between 19-25.07.2017 paints a very different picture. During this time the vessel on numerous occasions entered illegally the Libyan territorial waters and was conducting unauthorized "SAR patrols" at times even 1 nm from the shore! Such a reckless and illegal activity naturally could not produce any other results but tragedy. The mere presence of an NGO rescue vessel encourages the human traffickers to immediately launch unseaworthy boats packed with as many people as possible. 

The dubious activity of the NGO vessel was reported to and scrutinized by the Italian Coast Guard. Additionally, when confronted with evidence and facing public backlash the Spanish NGO attempted to deny any wrongdoing by offering only a scurrilous explanation via twitter and claiming that: "our AIS signal has been hacked to show we're in Libyan waters" (sic!). 

This is yet another example of NGO deception following their ulterior agenda at the cost of human lives.

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25.07.2017-12.33 hrs 
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NOTE: NGO "Proactiva Open Arms" employs an on-board professional photographer Mr. Santi Palacios who specializes in "impact & SFX" photography. His art work earned him a wide recognition as well as an extensive critique of his peers for producing staged imagery, especially that of "fake drowning migrants" in the Aegean Sea in 2015/16. His art work:


NGO "Open Arms" Vessel Tracking - Screenshot Examples 19-25.07.2017:
* NGO "Proactiva Open Arms" Twitter:
* Elizabeth Collett of the Migration Policy Institute: "They are in boats that cannot go a certain distance beyond a few miles from the Libyan coast. However, they are using those boats because of the presence of the NGOs."
* The Spectator – "Madness in the Med: how charity rescue boats exacerbate the refugee crisis - They claim to be saving lives, but they are colluding in a people-trafficking operation":

BBC report - Caught on camera MSF collusion with human traffickers. 

WATCH how MSF (Doctors Without Borders) crew rubs shoulders with the traffickers and patiently waits for them to remove the engine to be reused. Subsequently, the MSF crew casually picks up their freshly delivered "human cargo". The Italian Coast Guard was called only later to destroy the inflatables. Listen also to MSF unapologetic and arrogant statement.

(VIDEO) Migrant crisis: Smugglers in the Mediterranean:

BBC - Europe

15 July 2017


Humanitarian act or political activism? - NGOs contesting EU Border Regime 

This week the Italian Deputy Foreign Minister Mario Giro confirmed officially to the media an extensive involvement of EU "No Border" activists in the migrant crisis:  some NGOs subscribe to "a no border ideology, a kind of humanitarian extremism," but he argues, "In the face of the tragedy that's happening, I prefer humanitarian extremism to other types of extremism."

On board the German NGO "IUVENTA" - ship's mess - Lampedusa 21 June 2017

The Spanish and German NGOs involved in migrant rescue activities are an integral part of the so-called "No Border" movement that challenges the EU Border Regime and at the same time through deceptive and indiscriminate actions puts lives of innocent migrants gravely at risk.

The "No Border" network refers to a loose associations of NGOs, autonomous organisations, groups, and individuals in Europe and beyond. They support freedom of movement and resist human migration control by coordinating international border camps, demonstrations, direct actions, and anti-deportation campaigns. Common slogans used by the network include: "No Border, No Nation, Stop Deportations!" and "No one is illegal. The "No Border" network has existed since 1999.

An example of German NGOs affiliation and their campaign "Ferries Not Frontex" 

German NGO Sea-Watch e.V. members & supporters carry a banner: 
"Legalize Smuggling - Ferry Connection Africa-Europe Now".

The "Mediterranean Rescuers" at G20 "Welcome to Hell" Summit in Hamburg

IUVENTA's rescue team off Libyan coast - 13 September 2016

Kathrin Schmitt - IUVENTA's rescue team leader and a former Idomeni Camp (Greece) activist.

Sascha Girke - IUVENTA's head of operations and a former Lesbos (Greece) rescuer. 

Ruben Neugebauer current spokesman of Sea-Watch e.V. and a far-left radical activist with the past. Well known for his diverse activities and deceptions. The migrant's "March of Hope" from Idomeni camp on 14 March 2016 (Greece) caused the lives of 3 innocent migrants who drown being led by NGOs. The leading organizing force behind this march was the German "Zentrum für Politische Schönheit" (Center for Political Beauty) a left-wing radical organization. Mr. Neugebauer a member of this organization was in Idomeni at the time.

German NGOs:

- Jugend Rettet e.V. *
- LifeBoat gGmbH *
- Mission Lifeline e.V. *
- Sea-Eye e.V *
- Sea-Watch e.V. *


* "Contesting Europeanism: Migrant Solidarity Activism in the European Union" by Celine Cantat:
* "No Border" movement:
*  "The deadly new route into Europe":
* "Political activist Ruben Neugebauer - Over-flyer forced to pause / Polit-Aktivist Ruben Neugebauer - Überflieger mit Zwangspause":!5321886/

Supreme court overturns lower court ban on Libya-Italy migrant deal as Italian interior minister discusses issue with Fezzan mayors

Libya Herald

26 August 2017

The Supreme Court has reportedly overturned a ruling by a Tripoli court that theoretically blocked any negotiations between Libya and Italy on stemming the tide of migrants crossing them Mediterranean. In March, the Tripoli appeals court agreed with former justice minster Salah Al-Marghani, lawyer Azza Maghur‏ and four others objecting to the Memorandum of Understanding signed in February by Presidency Council (PC) chief Faiez Serraj and the Italians. The Tripoli court said that there could be no further negotiations between the two sides on the issue.

So far, the Supreme Court has made no statement about the counter-appeal brought by the Presidency Council. However, Marghani tweeted the news saying: “Sad day for Human rights, refugees and Libyan/Italian conscious [sic]. S. Court cancelled Suspension of Italian Sarraj MOU on migration.”

In fact, Serraj had already ignored the March ruling. Last month, he approved a now controversial migration control agreement with Italy effectively permitting the Italian navy to operate within Libyan waters to return migrants to Libya.

As if to highlight the Supreme Courts’s ruling on the MoU, Italian interior minister Marco Minniti today met with mayors from the south of Libya to discuss Italian support for measures to curtail the migrant flows. The meeting in Rome was also attended by top officials from the Libyan interior ministry as well as Italian ambassador to Libya Giuseppe Perrone. It was a follow-up to one in Tripoli in July at which Italy agreed to provide communities in Libya most affected by smuggling and human trafficking with alternatives for growth and development.

“Libya looks forward to the timely support of Italy and the European Union for the projects already proposed and those to be proposed in the future, aimed at improving the conditions of those living in areas affected by illegal trafficking”, a statement today from the Italian interior ministry read.

The ministry also pledged continuing Italian support for the Presidency Council and its government of national accord.

The mayors of Sebha and Qatrun did not attend the meeting for logistical reasons which the Sebha mayor blamed on the Presidency Council’s government of national accord.


Hard Borders

The Times

26 August 2017

Only the clearest possible message that illegal migration is not worth it will deter those risking their lives to reach Europe from Africa by sea

After three years of confusion there are signs that the European Union may at last be feeling its way towards a realistic response to the Mediterranean migration crisis. These signs come too late for the thousands who have died at sea and in the desert. They have yet to evolve into enforceable policies and whether they ever will is open to question, but some progress is better than none.

Dimitris Avramopoulos, the EU’s commissioner for migration, tells The Times today that Brussels is considering imposing trade, aid and visa embargoes on migrants’ countries of origin to pressure them into helping repatriate those who are refused asylum. In Italy, which is bearing the brunt of the crisis, the interior minister has held meetings with mayors of key Libyan towns and cities to explore ways of policing Libya’s southern border. On Monday President Macron of France will convene talks between European and African leaders in Paris to add high-level impetus to European efforts to stem the migrant flow at source.

All three initiatives are based on the realisation that uncontrolled economic migration hurts the mainly African countries where it originates, destabilises the European countries where the migrants are heading and inflicts untold suffering on the people themselves. These should be uncontroversial ideas. Even so, they are starkly at odds with the thinking behind Germany’s decision to throw open its borders to refugees from the Middle East and beyond two years ago. Many but not all of them were fleeing Syria’s war, but that has not made it any easier for a disunited Europe to absorb them without political tension and localised strife.

Mr Avramopoulos was instrumental in the EU-Turkish scheme which, while by no means perfect, has cut the flow of migrants through southeastern Europe to a fraction of 2015 levels by giving Syrian refugees temporary status in Turkey. He appears to understand that the crisis in the central and western Mediterranean requires equally decisive action to persuade would-be migrants that the journey is not worth it.

That will in turn require border controls deep in the Sahara where traffickers bring their human cargo to Libya from Niger, Chad and Mali, as Italy insists. It will require Libyan unity, as Boris Johnson, the foreign secretary, observed after a trip to Benghazi this week. Above all it will require a message of deterrence to be sent to sub-Saharan Africa by a more resolute EU, principally through the swift and efficient return of migrants denied asylum. Just 27 per cent of migrants in this category are repatriated. Seven in ten stay. This is the single biggest “pull factor” for those considering following them from Lagos, Douala or Accra. “If people know they have no chance to stay, they are less likely to come,” the commissioner says. His words should be a mantra for any EU heads of government still on the fence about a humanitarian and political emergency they have the power to end.

The Times’ series this week on the migration crisis has laid bare Europe’s failure to enforce a serious repatriation policy, the hell of Libya’s makeshift detention centres and the use of social media by traffickers to broadcast the torture of their captives to extort money from relatives. Despite everything the lure of Europe remains, not least because, as one Nigerian migrant stranded in Tripoli said, “if you go back to your land, you will be starting from below zero”.

This is why the co-operation of countries of origin matters. Mr Avramopoulos’s plan to secure it using restrictions on aid and development as well as visas represents a new willingness to use what concrete leverage Brussels has in Africa. There should always be avenues for legal migration, but the message from Europe must be clear: unchecked illegal migration will not be tolerated.


EU Ponders Tough Action Against Migrant-source Countries


By Jamie Dettmer

26 August 2017

ROME — The EU’s commissioner for migration says Brussels may withhold development aid and impose trade and visa restrictions on migrant-source countries in Africa and Asia to force them to take back failed asylum-seekers.

In an interview with Britain’s The Times published Saturday, Dimitris Avramopoulos said EU chiefs “are considering stopping funding of major development projects. We invested in these regions to create opportunities and keep people there.”

He said countries which failed to cooperate with repatriations could face blanket visa restrictions. Germany recently threatened to withhold visas from the ruling elites of migrant-source countries that do not accept returnees.

But Avramopoulos appeared to indicate a much broader visa embargo is now being contemplated, saying “thousands of foreigners, from diplomats and doctors to students and researchers” would be impacted by the travel restrictions now under discussion.

“The EU is not afraid to make use of leverages in trade or visa policy. Let’s be honest: it is neither good for Africa nor for Europe that so many people cross the Mediterranean,” he said.

This is the first time EU commissioners have threatened to block access to European markets in response to a long-running migration crisis that’s roiling the continent and threatening to upend traditional party politics and empower populist nationalists.

The “hard borders” approach now being considered is being condemned by humanitarian NGOs, which often embrace a “no border” ideology.

On Monday, President Emmanuel Macron of France will chair talks featuring European and African leaders in Paris in a renewed bid to thrash out a more effective strategy to stem migrant flows. African leaders are likely to argue they need more development aid.

Italy's dilemma

The following day EU national leaders will hold one of their regular summits in which the migration issue will figure prominently. Both Italy and Germany have national elections in coming months and Italy’s Paolo Gentiloni and Germany’s Angela Merkel will likely want to show voters they are shutting down migrant routes.

Italy will push the EU to try to replicate with Libya a deal that was struck with Turkey last year, which largely shut down the migrant route through the Balkans. But analysts say such a deal would be unworkable when it comes to Libya given the lack of an effective central authority in the northern Africa state.

The migration influx has morphed into a political crisis for Italy’s left-leaning coalition government. In municipal elections earlier this year the coalition lost ground to center-right parties such as Matteo Salvini’s Northern League, which has called for a “stop to the invasion.”

Italy’s right-wing Forza Italia party has campaigned for the denial of landing rights to NGO ships carrying migrants. And even the maverick radical Five Star Movement is moving to an anti-immigrant position, calling for a halt to any new migrants being lodged in Rome.

Gentiloni has accused fellow EU nations of “looking the other way,” and not doing enough to assist Italy with the surge in migrants crossing the Mediterranean. A burden-sharing system across the EU has failed with just a few thousand taken off Italy’s hands by other EU member states.

Libya has become the main gateway to Europe for migrants and refugees from across sub-Saharan Africa, and also from the Arabian Peninsula, Egypt, Syria and Bangladesh. Many are fleeing war and persecution, but most who are using Libya are seeking to escape poverty. Italy has become the main point of arrival of those rescued off the coast of Libya.

As the economic migration has grown, with only a small proportion of asylum-seekers coming from countries engulfed in war, so sentiment in Italy has shifted with Italians becoming enraged at the strain the influx is having on the country’s migrant facilities, which are now all full, and the appearance of migrants even in far-flung villages.

600,000 asylum seekers

This week, police evicted more than a hundred Eritreans and Ethiopians from an abandoned office building near Rome’s central railway station. The occupants — who had been given refugee status — complained that Italy doesn't help asylum-seekers integrate, fails to house them and provide language classes.

In fact, the Italian authorities do, housing many in villages across the country, providing months-long language tuition and up to 45 euros a day per refugee. But many refugees bolt the system, preferring to live in large cities such as Rome, Naples, Milan and Bologna and to try their luck.

The sheer numbers — more than 600,000 asylum-seekers have entered Italy since 2014 — are overwhelming. And the assistance asylum-seekers do receive is increasingly infuriating ordinary Italians in villages migrants are sent to for temporary periods. “I don’t get that money from the government and we are struggling as well — we don’t have enough jobs for our kids and now migrant kids will be competing for the few jobs that are around,” says Anna-Maria Bianchi, a mother-of-two from a Lazio village just north of Rome.

The only good news as far as Italian authorities are concerned is that there has been a fall-off in the rate of new arrivals this August and July. Official figures show arrivals in Italy from North Africa dropped by more than 50 percent in July from a year earlier and August arrivals are down even further, according to the International Organization for Migration.

The decline is being put down to several factors — from changeable sea conditions to a heightened Libyan coastguard presence and a reduction in humanitarian rescue-refugee operations. There are also several probes by Italian authorities, who say NGOs have been colluding with people-traffickers.
